About Brian Crandall
Brian Crandall, with the precision of a skilled farrier and the vision of an artist, creates one-of-a-kind metal masterpieces through unique forging techniques.
I have been a farrier since 2004, shoeing horses in California, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Kentucky. I have also bred, raised, trained, and shown Arabians and Quarter Horse/ Arabian Cross horses in reining and working cow horses. My stallion and I earned multiple national awards throughout our showing career. My farrier work is sculpting live tissue based on the physics and anatomy of the horse. I have brought that sculpting work into my blacksmithing art.
I create functional and decorative pieces suitable for indoors and outdoors. My functional works include tables, lamps, wall sconces, serving trays, coat racks, and wine bottle holders. Some of my more decorative works include both 2D and 3D horses, bulls, eagles, foxes, coyotes, candle holders, centerpieces, mountain ranges, jewelry stands, wind chimes, corporate logos, business signs, and dream catchers.
All my artwork is hand forged via hammer and anvil. No two pieces are ever identical. The shoes are heated to roughly 2OO0 degrees to begin the blacksmithing process. Once heated, I hammer the shoes for the proper shape. After obtaining the proper shape and the shoe is cooled, the shoes are polished, welded, polished again, and sprayed with a clear coat protectant sealer to slow the rusting process. I enjoy putting movement into my work.
Many of my works are custom-built for style as well as dimension. With old shoes, options are pretty much endless. I have included samples of just a few of the hundreds of works I have created. Additional photos can be found at my website – briancrandallart.com. On occasion, I do some posting on Facebook as well. Please feel free to reach out to me concerning your one-of-a-kind work. I would be happy to put some designs together for you.